
Showing posts from August, 2012

21 years old

اسلام عليكم I'm writing this entry at 12pm (Egypt time).now that I'm officially 21.Last year,I had make a list when 2011 was going to that I will achieve some item that I enter the new phase in my life.adulthood. anyway,let's review.. toward my 21 years old(inshaAllah) I promise you that: 1.I will become more matured in every way(talking,dressing,….) maybe pass 2.I will not jumping into conclusion right away when deciding something. fail 3.I will be more patient in handling problems,either mine or others ..wisely. Jujur tahun ni paling selalu fikir aku menyusahkan semua orang.but,I made it alhamdulillah.things was getting better. 3.I will go to search for more(kelas agama,kerja amal,sedekah,small kindness) rahsia 4.I will increase my love toward peoples who love umi and ayah twice a month,not once every two month T.T pass 5.I will strive to get scholarship/anything that can support my study fees.if not I must got cgpa ...

resepi puding roti

credit goes to nadia,I didn't own this recipe*.* اسلام عليكم resepi ni untuk satu aluminium foil saiz sederhana macam gambar last entry gula susu telur vanilla powder butter roti tips: 1.gula letak 5 sudu besar,tak manis sangat tak tawar sangat,rasa dia lemak2,best! 2.susu 3 mug besar.pastikan boleh rendam semua roti 3.telur,2 biji untuk satu aluminium foil 4.vanilla powder,tak penting.semalam terlupa beli.tapi sedap je 5.butter,beli yang saiz kecik.saya suggest brand lurpak 100 g.guna separuh. 6.roti,5 keping,kalau nak save bajet guna roti fino pun sedap. cara-cara: first things,panaskan oven,api sederhana. 1.blender susu,gula,dengan telur.saya takde mixer.blend jangan lama2 nanti dia berbuih-buih. 2.susun roti tu elok2 dalam aluminium foil.kalau guna fino carik-carikkan roti fino pastu campak je dalam aluminium foil.kalau suka kismis bole letak juga.tapi,saya takde bajet jadi tak letak=.=' 3.cairkan butter atas pan,then,tuang dekat atas roti . 4.last sekali,tuang bahan dalam ...

lesen memandu

اسلام عليكم Topik harini adalah lesen memandu.siapa dah ambik angkat tangan?sape ambik lepas habis spm sebab takde kerja nak buat juga angkat tangan?sape fail ujian memandu pertama angkat tangan? yang paling horrible sape fail dua-dua ujian memandu kereta dengan motor sekaligus angkat tangan? keputusannya:tinggal saya sorang angkat tangan... haha tak kelakar=.=' pengalaman ujian memandu adalah salah satu pengalaman yang boleh dikatakan epik.siapa tak menngeletar lutut waktu pegawai jpa duduk sebelah memang handsome. saya fail first time ujian memandu kereta time jalan raya.sebabnya waktu sampai junction,meter dekat 0.dekat KOSONG. ujian motor pulak sebab terjatuh lalu titi. fail kereta tak kisah sangat..dah ade jangkaan.tapi,fail motor menjatuhkan maruah.jatuh titi pulak tu.double malu. saje je ingat2 balik kisah lama.sampai menangis tak lulus ujian kereta.ingatkan fail spm je boleh menangis.haha.rilek.sekarang,dah ade full lesen.tapi percayalah,last time bawak waktu ujian meman...
people do not think very much about death.They spend their lives worrying about absurdities,they put things off,and fail to notice important moments,They don't take risks,because they think it's dangerous.They complain a lot,but are afraid to take action.They want everything to change,but they themselves refuse to change. If they thought a little more about death,they would never forget to make that much-postponed phone call.they will be a little crazier.They would not be afraid of this incarnation coming to an end,because you cannot fear something that is going to happen anyway. The Indians say :Today is a good day as any to leave this world.and a wise man once said :'Death is always sitting by your side so that,when you need to do something important,it will give you the strength and the courage you need paulo coelho like the flowing river