
Showing posts from April, 2013

my diet plan

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim... Pertama sekali,post ni bukanlah bertujuan untuk memburukkan diri sendiri atau apa2.cuma sekadar motivasi untuk gadis diluar sana yang seusia dengan saya.Tapi,buntu untuk menurunkan berat bedan,Yes,it is an issue when it comes to weight loss.Ada sesetengah yang mintak tips walaupun saya bukan kurus betul pun.Tapi,saya cuba untuk bantu anda mana yang patut sebab saya bukan pro,dan saya masih belum mencapai berat ideal yang saya,ini diet plan saya. 1.Perkara pertama yang anda perlu adalah set goal.Goal anda mestilah realistik.Goal saya adalah untuk turunkan 8 kg dalam masa 3 bulan.BMI 21. 2.Bagi saya,untuk usia kita yang muda lagi,elok kita try dulu jaga makan dan exercise untuk turunkan berat badan.Saya bukan nak halang anda makan supplement yang memang banyak sekarang ni.Tapi,as a student,kita bukan banyak duit.kalau banyak..go on.kalau tak'm sharing with you some tips. 3.Waktu dekat malaysia,saya dah kumpul duit khas untu...

the love that I forgot

اسلام عليكم Going through my journey,never did I forget about my love toward my family,especially both umi and ayah.But,yesterday..I think I had forget about love to Rasullullah. I said I love him.but I never gratitude my love to him as much as I express my love towards my parents. Does that mean that I had overload my love to my parents more than I love my Rasul. eyes won't tears if they speak about Muhammad Rasulullah,and I don't remember when was the last time I said 'selawat' to him. I forgot Where did I got my title as islam. Who is my leader.Perhaps,I almost forget most of his painful moments when he was about to spread islam. I do..and that hurts me more..inside Some of my friend could have their cloth soaked with tears when they heard about Rasulullah,even by mentioning his name..that were Here..I am reflecting myself.If I regret how I lives's nothing...compared to if in my life,I never experience a jour...