the love that I forgot

اسلام عليكم

Going through my journey,never did I forget about my love toward my family,especially both umi and ayah.But,yesterday..I think I had forget about love to Rasullullah. I said I love him.but I never gratitude my love to him as much as I express my love towards my parents.

Does that mean that I had overload my love to my parents more than I love my Rasul. eyes won't tears if they speak about Muhammad Rasulullah,and I don't remember when was the last time I said 'selawat' to him.

I forgot
Where did I got my title as islam. Who is my leader.Perhaps,I almost forget most of his painful moments when he was about to spread islam. I do..and that hurts me more..inside

Some of my friend could have their cloth soaked with tears when they heard about Rasulullah,even by mentioning his name..that were

Here..I am reflecting myself.If I regret how I lives's nothing...compared to if in my life,I never experience a journey as a muslim.I hope this will be a great reminder to me.sollu ala nabi..The programs yesterday was held by our seniors.The webcast was really something.And it do feels like islam is wide and one.Thank you very much for such a beautiful events.



lavenderlover said…
Sebak plak rasa..kena muhasabah diri blik ni.huhu..