Foods in Mansoura and what else to miss

Mansoura may not be your famous highlight for vacation.But it was the place I used to stay for five years.And yes it means a lot to me.

Having dad with me during my convocation day was great.Despite mom could not attend it for the last time.I'm glad that I could share my everyday routine with dad.To let him know how much I struggle,how much I SUFFER during my first year there .ops terCAPSLOCKpulak

Dad was extremely excited to see the old cars were still function and well-maintained.And all that islamic history blew his mind up.Thanks to my last minute friends in Cairo.(ehsan).(may Allah ease your journey as a dentist to be)

Since my dad said, I'm giving him too much foods.Ayah esok makan sana..esok makan sini.. sekarang kena cuba ni.

1. Kushairi. Mixture of rice,pasta,nuts and fried onion serve with homemade tomato sauce.I am surprise that dad love it because I can't handle the taste during my first try of kushairi.But now,it's finger licking good !

2.Sarokh.The famous sarokh you can get is at the street of Galak (I couldn't recall the name of the stall) but it is well-known among students .During my first year,it was sold at only 1.25 pound each.Now they increase the price to 3 pound.considerably cheap;)

3.Krib. or crepe is a snack I used to eat during my class gap.I usually had 1-2 hour interval before the next lecture.We will go to mix grill and order krib firah or lahmah.You might find that crepe here is more towards savory than desert.I know that crepe was originally a desert.but not in mansoura.A must try

4.Mango juice.Thick,sweet and fresh.100 percent mango inside a kidding man

5.Fathirah. I call this an egyptian pizza.It comes with variety of flavors.My favorite! fathirah tunaa

Well,one that I miss while studying oversea was freedom.Mind freedom.

makan kusyairi lagi syok!


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